Friday, August 28, 2009

Kovaya Beach, Colombus, River Gomti

I remember the quote of "Merchant of Venice" when Antonio Says "Do not take the world more seriously than it is worth, otherwise you will loose all the enjoyment of your life"
It was Shakepearian era but human mind is the same, era may change but .....
Feeling aloof while questioning to myself "where am I ?"
Kovaya Beach, where I find the fragrance of river Gomti but the Peace of mind is missing here. I see Colombus behind this Arabian Sea and feel about the unknown and strange journey through the waters in the absence of Somali pirates!

Most part of history of mankind is burn under the water !

Friday, June 12, 2009

Future Undecided

Since last two days suffering with severe toothache. Wisdom tooth is coming up. This pain will convert into happiness, if real wisdom comes, but I doubt !

Oh God, do you also make fool in the name of wisdom, Lord Buddha got wisdom at Gaya under the Bodhisatva Tree, But in Kovaya.

Future ...

I love your decision even if I do not like !


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009


Hi K2 !

I felt very happy talking to you after a long time. Possibly, we spoke last time in year 1993 or may be early 1994. Life is changed on my part, as I got married in 1997 but today I did not ask anything about you except inviting you for trip to Gujarat along with your parents, which you turned down by putting the condition that I should come first. Since last few months, I am remembering all my friends, during my study particularly in Lucknow. I still miss my University Campus, where I learnt walking.

Breezes of Gomti River always inspires me.

Touchwood !



On last saturday, I was sharing about worries on my poor driving. I travelled between Ahmedabad to Kovaya some 350 km in 4 hours which is not fair considering the quality of road & traffic.

I decided not to drive fast i.e. above 100km/hr. May god be kind enough to let some wisdom prevail with me. Good Luck to myself.


Friday, April 10, 2009


Hi Everybody !
Life is beautiful, live it and make for others.
